Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Boys In The Band

By Baxter

So there was this big football game in Iowa yesterday and lots of tailgate parties, and Donald Trump showed up, spoke for a minute and was mobbed by his fans — embarrassingly upstaging other passengers in the 2016 GOP clown car, like the cross-eyed college dropout from Wisconsin.

While we cats love the chaos that Trump has thrown the Republican race into, we can't help but look at yesterday's reports from Ames and say, hm.

See, we've noticed over time that Donald is tapping into more than just the angry teabags who despise Barack Obama and all other Americans who are not like them. He's also channeling the Republican base's inner 15-year-old boy.

"That was better than the game!" shouted one Trump fan after The Donald's all-too-brief speech. "That guy's worth a billion dollars!" screamed another. "Donald, you rock!" "Donald, I'm wearing your hat!" and "I shook his hand!" also pierced the lately-graced-by-the-candidate air.

Gee, isn't it enough that all our Hollywood movies are aimed at this demographic? Do we have to hand over our Presidential politics, too?

We cats hate to sound like a hopeful member of the Republican establishment, but we have to say we're not sure if these swooning boys are going to be there for The Donald come February 1. Iowa is a caucus state, which means you have invest a lot more time than just showing up to cast a ballot. We're picturing a lot of attention-span-challenged millennials who just won't have the patience to trudge out in zero-degree weather to a smelly local gymnasium for hours of caucusing. Just sayin'.

Who will benefit from that dedication on the GOP side, however, is yet to be seen. But whoever does will have to appeal to Republican grownups in the room as well — if, that is, there are any. We cats PURR.

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